Sunday, March 04, 2007

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While the Everett High School Class of ‘63 will never overtly share your information with any business or individual outside the Everett High School Class of '63 for monetary gain or any other reason, please understand that this blog is accessible to anyone with internet service. Any personal information placed on the blog by any classmate, or by anyone on his or her behalf will be available to the general public. If for any reason you do not wish to have your name and contact information listed on the blog, please contact us and it will be removed promptly.

Green Meadow Country Club -- 2003

In Loving Memory

of our ’63 classmates who are now deceased
and sadly missed by all.

Row # 1: Jimmy Brackett, James Richard Caylor, Ronnie Claiborne, Ronald Cunningham, Ross Eidson

Row # 2: Frank Finley, Ernest Franklin, Larry Hampton, Charles Henderson, Benny Hitch

Row # 3: Mary Jo Holloway (Wilson), Gwendolyn Humphrey (Lawson), Ray Lequire, Rosalita Long, Beulah Lowe

Row # 4: Robert McKenzie, Jerry Morgan, Carol Myers (Meadows), Alfred B. Orr, Marvin Ramsey

Row # 5: Wendell Roberts, Ray Scarbrough, Judy Stinnett, Phillip (Len) Stoutt, John Tallent


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