Sunday, March 04, 2007

In Loving Memory

of our ’63 classmates who are now deceased
and sadly missed by all.

Row # 1: Jimmy Brackett, James Richard Caylor, Ronnie Claiborne, Ronald Cunningham, Ross Eidson

Row # 2: Frank Finley, Ernest Franklin, Larry Hampton, Charles Henderson, Benny Hitch

Row # 3: Mary Jo Holloway (Wilson), Gwendolyn Humphrey (Lawson), Ray Lequire, Rosalita Long, Beulah Lowe

Row # 4: Robert McKenzie, Jerry Morgan, Carol Myers (Meadows), Alfred B. Orr, Marvin Ramsey

Row # 5: Wendell Roberts, Ray Scarbrough, Judy Stinnett, Phillip (Len) Stoutt, John Tallent


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